Sunday, May 11, 2008

Some days..

Some just don't feel like working..

Today mum stopped me from playing dota..
I feel torn part of me is missing..
I feel like Spectre..using my ulti..around the map..don't know where i belong..

Also found out my parents are going overseas again in a few weeks..
This constant unsettlement is really pissing me off..
Seems like I'm pretty much going to be spending..half of this year with my parents..
Finally being able to settle back home..i hear this kind of news..i want to tear the house apart

I've also got an assignment for Studies of Religion i'm supposed to write..
"Compare and contrast Anglican churches to the Pentecostal Hillsong Church"
Maybe some of you think this is..just another assignment..but i think it's ridiculous
I can truly say i hate studies of religion..
Its putting religion in words..into human logic..
I think there are stuff where words cant describe..and i believe religion is one of them..
Trying to explain the miraculous? Argh..might work for some people..but definitely not me..
I picked studies of religion because i had to by the way..because i picked an extension course and needed another unit..but hopefully i'll be able to drop it..

Besides that..havent seen many of my friends lately..
Its really ticking me off..
I forgot a friends birthday..i feel like a wreck..i used to be good friends with that person..but somehow it fell apart..i had using the sentence "used to be"
I hope as time passes..things will get slightly better..i guess being caught up with school and stuff is also contributing..but still isnt a good enough reason..i know its my fault..but i dont know how to fix it..

On the other hand..
Its quite bizarre how much you can miss a person..
Just one week away from you and feels like its been ages..
Seems like a lot has been going on for both you and me..and i hope things are getting better on your side..

Well another new week is about to begin..and im just going to get ready to take it head on..
Hope you guys will have a great week as well..

"A mans job is from sun to sun, but a mothers job is never done"

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