Saturday, April 12, 2008

"God's timing vs. My timing"

First weekend of the holidays..
Filled with..sadness?..but also happiness?
I learnt the lesson of..patience and timing =] probably the hard way..but really learn to know that God's timing may not always be my timing
Sometimes plan doesnt catch up fast enough with change..計劃沒有變化快
Happiness is not something adapted instantly..real happiness comes with the struggle of attempting to achieve it..and many times..the happiness comes from the stages of achieving happiness..not the achievement itself..i guess in life..all sunny skys and no rain makes it a desert..
Dissapointment normally comes with other surprises as well..amazing what life can throw at you in an instant..dissapointment may just lead to other doors..sometimes dissapointment is part of the master picture..we normally strive to find that one piece to fix up the puzzle when later we find out we found the wrong piece
What makes a man strong?..a very often used quote "If it doesnt kill you, it'll make you stronger" I'm not talking about physical talking about being able to handle dissapointment..many people give up in life when an emotional wall stands in their way..but i guess what makes a strong man is being able to give that wall a jumping side kick and move on..sometimes your goal is only a metre away from that mile and all you have to do is break that wall..climb over it..or maybe just go around it..
Everyone struggles with dissapointment and let downs and it all comes down to how you handle could..sob..feel sorry for yourself and miss out the great things in life..or you could think positive of the situation..and discover some amazing things.."Every cloud has a silver lining"
No matter how bad a situation is there always has to be a [+] in it
While your reading this..are you noticing the words more? or the white background that is provided? That situation might just be the words written here..while positivity is like the white background..filling up the whole page waiting for you to take notice of it..

"In Christ alone my hope is found;He is my light, my strength, my song; This cornerstone, this solid ground,Firm through the fiercest drought and storm."

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